Nancy Bleeke

Founder and President Sales Pro Insider Inc.
Nancy Bleeke is most described as driven and practical. As someone who never wanted to be “in sales,” it’s ironic she found her calling working with tired (and often sales reluctant) business owners, dissatisfied sales leaders, and sales professionals who want (or need) to grow their sales. She is the Founder and President of Sales Pro Insider (SPI), a sales enablement and growth consulting firm. She’s known for actionable and practical solutions such as process improvements, training, coaching, and sometimes a big reality check to quickly and wisely increase sales results. For 20 years she’s helped businesses grow. Smaller businesses with hands-on owners and seasoned sellers, benefit greatly from SPI’s direct and genuine “get it done” approach. Nancy’s book, Conversations That Sell, has been declared a “must-read” for sales teams around the world and is the winner of the Top Sales World Magazine’s 2013 Gold Medal Book Award. Nancy is a frequent contributor to blogs and articles and is a repeat Top 50 Sales influencer.